Cork was celebrating yet another boost this morning after the announcement that it was listed as one of the Top Ten Cities 2010 by Yahoo China. This comes fast on the heals of the listing of Cork city in the Lonely Planets Top 10 Cities of 2010. There's just no stopping us!
You'll never have to convince a Cork person of their right to be on these lists, we are probably more proud and protective of our city that any other people. That's how we earned the colloquial title of The Peoples Republic of Cork.
We are delighted when other people recognize all that we already realise that our city has to offer. In fact, just this weekend there is an exhibition being held in Cork City Hall to promote Cork's attractions. The Rediscover Cork show will feature exhibitors from a wealth of Cork based hotels, restaurants, galleries, attractions and venues - all with the intention of highlighting to the people of Cork what they can enjoy here on our doorstep.
Hayfield Manor will be in attendance on the day, why not visit Paul at our stand between 12 noon and 4 p.m. and find out about some of the great offers we are offering over the coming months. Anyone in the mood for some pampering spa treatments of maybe delicious traditional Sunday Lunch..........?
Sales Team