Friday, 02 August 2013

A Taste of Tapas

Though a relatively recent dining experience in Ireland, the tradition of Spanish tapas dates back many centuries and there as almost as many stories relating to the origin of tapas as there are varieties to indulge in!
Andalucia, a Southern province of Spain, is accredited with developing the tapas tradition as far back as the 16th Century. 
In literal terms, the word “tapa” translates as “cover” which would support the popular theory that open glasses of wine needed to be protected from thirsty fruit flies while farmers & labourers worked outdoors. Thus a flat piece of bread or slices of ham were placed on top, functioning primarily as lids but soon doubling up as snacks to accompany the wine. 
Other sources attribute the origin of tapas to King Afonso 10th who, during an illness, was resigned to consuming only small bites of food accompanied by wine between his main meals. Once recovered, the King decreed that all wine served in the Inns would henceforth have to be served with food.
Further historical explanations abound as to the origins of these dainty savoury treats, but regardless of which story seems most plausible, the truth remains that tapas have become a very popular and delicious dining choice. 
In honour of this fine tradition and to celebrate the wines from renowned Spanish wine vineyard, La Báscula, Hayfield Manor’s Wine Society Event on September 12th is very excited to feature two courses of carefully selected tapas, followed by a three course menu. Be sure and join us for an entertaining, fun and unique dining experience.