Since joining the team here at Hayfield Manor, I aim to ensure that our guests have the ultimate dining experience at the hotel. I have created many new dishes for our guests to enjoy and I thought it would be wonderful if we shared some of those much loved recipes here, to help our guests recreate these dishes at home for their family and friends to enjoy, so they too can have a little of what Hayfield Manor has to offer. The following is my recipe for my Mustard Herb Coated Rack of Irish Lamb with a Sweet Potato Gratin and Minted Pea Purée. I hope you take pleasure in recreating these dishes at home. - Mark Staples, Executive Head Chef.
Sweet Potato Gratin
• 1 kg/1 lb 2oz sweet potatoes, peeled and sliced thinly- about the thickness of a 50c coin is ideal
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 3 garlic cloves, finely chopped
• Finely chopped thyme and rosemary
• 250ml/8fl oz single cream
• Salt and black pepper
Preparation method
In a large mixing bowl toss the sweet potato slices with the oil, thyme, rosemary and garlic until the slices are well coated and well distributed.
Transfer to a lightly oiled gratin dish, spreading out the slices with your fingertips, you do not have to layer the gratin piece by piece, but try to ensure that the slices are mostly lying flat.
Pour over any cream remaining in the bowl and trickle the remaining oil over the gratin.
Baked in a preheated, fairly hot oven (180C/350F/Gas 5) for 40-50 minutes until the sweet potato is completely tender and the top is browned and crispy.
For extra crispness you can finish under the grill for 1-2 minutes
Minted Pea Purée
• 3 cups of frozen garden peas
• 50 ml of chicken stock
• A pinch of salt, pepper and butter to taste
• 1 teaspoon of Irish butter
Preparation Method
Boil peas in chicken stock for two minutes. Once boiled, strain the stock.
Place peas in the liquidiser with butter and two mint leaves. Blend all the chicken stock slowly to create a smooth purée. Place to the side.
Herb Coated Rack of Lamb
• 2 x 6 bone racks of lamb
• 3 slices of white bread
• Small bunch of flat leaf parsley, mint leaves and tarragon
• 3 teaspoons of Dijon mustard
• Salt and pepper to taste
Heat the frying pan on a medium heat, add a little oil and fry the lamb racks on all sides until browned all over.
Place the lamb skin side down and continue to fry until the fat melts. Season the lamb and transfer onto a roasting tray.
Brush the lamb racks with Dijon Mustard.
Blend the white bread, parsley, mint and tarragon to a rough crumb in a food processor. Press the herb crumb onto the mustard coasted lamb for 5 minutes.
Roast in the oven for 25 minutes at 180 degrees to achieve pink consistency.
Remove from the oven and set aside to rest for 10 minutes.
To serve
Cut the rack into two and divide equally, place onto serving plates with the sweet potato gratin and spoon the pea puree alongside.
To garnish serve with a sprinkling of red wine jus or mint sauce